No more Lipo luminaires, only Lina

We strive to make our portfolio clear and unambiguous. That is why we would like to inform you that in the week 25 - 29 September 2023 we will merge the Lipo and Lina families in all variants of system and single luminaires. We therefore ask for your indulgence, especially when using our website.

Group 83

The luminaire codes remain the same (i.e. 28, 35, 45, 04, 05, 11) and thanks to this change you can now find both groups of luminaires under one picture.

At the same time we have great news for you that starting in October the EPD certification will be available for the 45, 60, 80 profile width linear luminaire families, which we are in the process of completing.

Last but not least, it is also worth mentioning that our development department is working on increasing the performance of our linear luminaires, so that soon Liny with better light parameters will be available. We will update you again soon.

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